Governor Awards - Year 6
Sports Award - Eva D has been awarded this special accolade for her excellent commitment and dedication to a range of sports and team activities. She is an extremely keen athlete and takes pride in sporting events both in and out of school. Well done Eva!
Good Manners Award - presented to Hettie W due to the fact that her manners are impeccable. She is always considerate of others, is exceptionally courteous and is the politest she can be. Furthermore, she is extremely thoughtful, observant and always treats others with kindness and respect. Well done Hettie - your manners will get you far.
Numeracy Award - Daisy S has been awarded this for her unwavering determination as a mathematician. Daisy approaches her maths learning positively, using her resilience to deepen her understanding in all of her maths lessons. She asks questions to build further on the methods being used and always tries her best. Well done Daisy!