Message from the Headteachers ...
Welcome to Term 1 everyone! We are enjoying meeting all our new children and settling them in to their new classes this week. It is lovely to see everybody back at school, bright, rested and ready for learning.
We also welcome our new teacher, Mr Breese, and congratulations to Miss Gardner, who got married over the summer and has returned to Broadwood as Mrs Lewis!
There are lots of exciting plans for the children this term, and we look forward to working with our parents and carers in this new academic year as we forge ahead. Do keep an eye out on our communication page on the website for copies of any letters sent home etc.
Remember, we have an open-door policy at Corsham Primary, so if you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to talk to your child's class teacher or a member of the leadership team so that we can help you.