
Year 4 Residential Trip to Braeside
Year 4 visited Braeside in Devizes for a 2-day residential trip. They had mixed weather but no rain dampened their spirits or hindered their enjoyment and they were raring to go! They navigated low ropes, supported their partners along the Lifeline and orienteered to find the letters around the grounds. The children showed their teamwork and caring skills while they helped each other during all their activities.
During the evening, the children grappled with matchstick brain-teaser puzzles, building towers and pipe and ball challenges before an amazing talent show comprising magic, comedy, drama, rubiks cube wizardry and gymnastics to name but a few! Everyone enjoyed a comforting drink of hot chocolate while they watched.
After a settled night (!) our Corsham Primary children won a prize for the most organised residential group – they stripped their beds, packed their bags and enjoyed a hearty breakfast before beginning the morning activities. The agenda included survival skills and children building their own fires before cooking lunch on them! Braeside’s instructors were very impressed at the children’s Forest School knowledge; understanding different grades of sticks and how to select the best ones to help build a good fire.
A group of tired children arrived back at school after a very busy couple of days but their smiles still shone through. Well done Year 4; your behaviour was exemplary and we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you away from the usual school environment.