Community Award News
Corsham Town Council Community Award for Knitting Club ladies
Our lunchtime Knitting Club has been running at Corsham Primary School (Broadwood) for over five years. Every Friday these wonderful volunteers dedicate their time to groups of Year 6 children, supporting, teaching, engaging and nurturing their knitting skills alongside a pastoral opportunity to talk, relax and achieve.
This mix of some of the more mature members of our local community rubbing shoulders with our 10 and 11 year olds has provided solace for some, created an enthusiasm for creating with wool and contributed towards improving our wellbeing as the repetitive nature of knitting has a proven calming effect.
Children attending the popular club have been taught and aided in making, amongst other items, bracelets, purses, cuddly animals and scarves. We have a long waiting list for this unique extra-curricular opportunity as those who attend, always have nothing but positive feedback to share.
As a school, we have also benefitted from the wider knitting group who have decorated our building over the years with knitted bunting, knitted summer flowers and this year they have supplied us with knitted eggs to brighten our Easter celebrations.
These ladies have been amazing knitting ambassadors and are a treasured part of our CPS family.
They have never requested any funds from us, but their impact is priceless.
They are Sue, Margaret, Lyn and Linda.
Corsham Town Council rewarded individuals or groups within the town and parish for their outstanding work and extraordinary achievements. Corsham Town Council’s Community Awards scheme has been set up to thank people for their dedication to, and enthusiasm for, making Corsham a better place to live, work and visit. "We would like to recognise and promote these committed individuals and groups within the community and celebrate their fantastic efforts." Congratulations ladies!