Woodland Makeover

Corsham Primary Woodland Makeover
As part of their Forest School sessions, children in years 5 and 6 have been learning about woodland maintenance and caring for our outdoor environment. To reduce further soil erosion, the children have transformed the muddy section of woodland where the old pig pen used to be into an enjoyable useable space.
We were kindly donated the wood chippings, including some from the Metheun estate.
The children all had roles to perform, some shovelled and others with a friend carried the chippings to be laid. The physical exercise certainly warmed up our muscles and got our hearts pumping, keeping us warm on the cold mornings.
After such hard work, the children were treated to a cup of warm apple juice and apple slices which they dipped into a brown sugar and cinnamon mix before toasting them around the campfire.
Well done years 5 and 6; a splendid job. We have a woodland to be proud of and enjoy.
Thank you, from Mrs Griffin (Forest Schools Practitioner)