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Our Learning


Assessment Information

At Corsham Primary School teachers assess the children’s progress in line with the curriculum expectations for their year group. Our focus is very much on identifying the next steps in children’s learning and using this information to plan a personalised curriculum which enables all children to achieve all aspects of the learning in line with age related expectations (ARE). This supports our learners in being ready for the next stages in their learning.

Alongside teachers’ day to day assessments, at various times in the year, children from Year 1 to Year 6 undertake standardised assessments in Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Mathematics. These assessments enable the teacher to identify learning gaps as well as show individual progress within the subjects. Individual scores are one indication of how well each child is achieving against their age-related expectations, and are used along with all of the other information teachers know about each child.

We describe attainment as:

Working towards

(the expected standard)


Working at

(the expected standard)


Working at greater depth

(within the expected standard)


A child who has achieved some of the objectives set out in the curriculum for their year group but are not yet achieving all of the age-related expectations.

A child who has achieved all of the learning objectives set out in the curriculum for their year group.

A child who has achieved all of the learning objectives set out in the curriculum for their year group and demonstrated that they have achieved a deep and secure learning of the objectives through varied application.












The characteristics of working at Greater Depth are summarised below

Children are able to:

  • Apply their learning to different contexts, including other areas of the curriculum.
  • Work independently after some initial input.
  • Apply their skills and knowledge consistently, confidently and fluently.
  • Organise their ideas to make connections with other areas of learning.
  • Use their ideas to help them work with new areas of learning.
  • Clearly explain what they have been doing and why they know they are correct to others.
There are a number of times during their time at Corsham Primary that children will undertake statutory assessments
  • Foundation stage children are assessed against the new Reception baseline and Early Learning Goals. 
  • Year 1 Phonics screening
  • Year 2 Phonics screening (for any children who did not achieve the expected standard in Year 1)
  • Year 4 times tables tests
  • Key stage 2 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) in Reading, Writing, Maths and Spelling, punctuation and grammar in the summer term of Year 6
 The Language of Statutory Assessments


Early Years/Foundation Stage



Early Learning Goal


Good Level of Development. Pupils will be defined as having a GLD if they achieve the expected level in the three prime areas of learning and the specific areas of literacy and mathematics,


EYFS Prime Areas

EYFS Specific Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics



Year 6 Statutory Assessment


Working at a greater depth of the expected standard for KS1 or KS2


Expected Standard for the end of KS1 or KS2


Working Towards the Expected Standard in KS1 or KS2


Below the Expected Standard in KS1 or KS2


Pre-Key Stage (working below the expectations of KS1 or KS2)

Please use the link below to view the Pickwick Academy Trust's Overarching Statement for Assessment.