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Family Support Team

Family Liaison Officer and Family Liaison Assistant

Welcome to our team

We can help with:

  • Support and advice around emotional wellbeing
  • Attendance
  • Parenting advice and family outreach service
  • Signposting to outside agencies for advice on divorce, separation, bereavement, financial difficulties, domestic abuse, alcohol and drug misuse and mental health
  • Refer for support in school, such as ELSA (Emotional Literary Support Assistant) or nurture clubs
  • Refer for support from outside agencies, such as CAMHS, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council, Wiltshire Council Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme) Parenting courses, the Family Counselling Trust and Barnardo’s Early Mental Health Support

Parenting Support

Follow this link to Family Lives, a website with lots of comprehensive advice for families.

Follow this link to Gingerbread, a website supporting single parent families.