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More Able

What does “More Able” mean?

More Able is a term that is used to describe pupils who achieve significantly more than their peers.

Corsham Primary School – An Outstanding Approach

Corsham Primary School is proud of the work it does with our more able pupils, we strive for each and every child to achieve their potential and to feel confident in challenging themselves and taking risks in their learning. In June 2010/June 2013 Ofsted graded the quality of learning for those pupils identified as more able as outstanding:

Pupils who are identified as more able are given a wide range of appropriate challenges in and out of the lesson so that they can reach their potential.

We understand that more able pupils are entitled to a significantly differentiated curriculum whether that be working at high cognitive levels in academic areas or opportunities for creative or physical excellence. However, we are very aware that the holistic needs of the child should be considered as well as his/her particular skills or aptitudes which results in a well-rounded education.

We have a successful policy for more able pupils that all teaching staff adhere to. This sets out our commitment to the principles of equality and opportunity, fair treatment and the equal value of all individuals. We follow guidelines set out by the Department for Education and have secure procedures in place for identification. Once a pupil has been identified as being more able they are placed on the ‘More Able Register’ and their progress and attainment is closely monitored by the Inclusion Managers to ensure their achievements are in line with their ability. Pupils on the more able register are offered layers of further enrichment and extension activities be that individually based, days on more able courses, targeted support from Corsham Primary teachers, extension groups and obviously considerably differentiated activities and support in class. They may stay on the register for their whole school career or be moved on or off it depending on his/her needs.

Class based provision for More Able pupils

At Corsham Primary it is in the classroom that the majority of the needs for more able pupils are met which results in the pupils achieving their potential alongside their peers in the supportive, holistic environment of a Corsham Primary classroom. Teachers at Corsham Primary provide highly differentiated lessons in all subjects, tailoring them to the needs of every individual. As a consequence, more able pupils are learning and progressing at an appropriate level and are given opportunities to pursue lines of enquiry of their own choosing.

School based provision for More Able pupils

Year 5 and 6 pupils on the more able register for Computing are given the role of being an "ICT Incredible". This allows pupils on the more able register for Computing to further extend their own skills and support teachers and pupils in Computing learning across the school in a more extensive way than their peers.  An "ICT Incredible" is able to share their experiences and expertise with other "Incredibles", and explore software and technology projects before launching them with the rest of the school. The "Incredibles" have their own profile on our website, listing their Computing expertise and are available to staff members as technicians if they want support delivering lessons using software or technology they may be inexperienced using.

In Physical Education our specialist teachers deliver an annual training program to potential and identified more able pupils, training them to become Sports Leaders - a skill which can be used at secondary school level and beyond. Sports Leaders are taught how to develop confidence and knowledge when leading and supporting a range of physical activities; as a consequence of this the pupils’ leadership skills and furthermore their talents are built upon and strengthened. Regular meetings take place with the Sports Leaders and their skills and talents are used to lead a range of events including Sports Day, charity events and Huff and Puff - an activity that takes place each lunchtime to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Out of school provision

More able pupils are given opportunities to attend courses provided by the Local Authority at the Braeside Centre in Devizes. As a result of the children learning alongside peers at a similar academic level they are helped to stay inspired and motivated in their subject area and look at learning from a different perspective. Pupils on the more able register are also given the opportunity to attend at local secondary schools to extend and develop skills and enhance opportunities. Corsham Primary has many after and before school clubs for example street dance, judo, football, hockey and drumming which enable more able pupils to practise and consolidate their talents.

Special and seasonal events

We hold our very popular annual Talent Show and Music Evening where more able pupils, alongside their peers, can showcase their abilities in the arts which gives them a thirst to improve and develop their talents. These are both fantastic opportunities for children to ‘shine’ in their particular talent, be recognised and celebrated for it.

At Christmas there are plenty of occasions for more able pupils with talents in acting, singing and creative art to be part of our productions. This gives the pupils a real life context to use their talent, moreover it gives them a purpose to improve and progress.

Sports Day is a time when sporting talents are celebrated alongside leadership in the planning of the event. Another exciting event is the Year 6 Production every summer term. More able children, alongside their peers, get the chance to develop their talents and interests in all aspects of creating a production, be that behind the scenes or on stage. This allows pupils to consolidate their talents in a purposeful context with an end result to show off!

Our annual Election Week enables Year 5 pupils form parties and develop manifestos which they then use to canvas the rest of the school; this assists more able pupils to strengthen and reinforce existing leadership skills. The winning party then get to run the school for a day putting their manifesto into practice, a day the whole school enjoys.

Parent-School Partnership

We have strong links with the parents and carers of more able pupils, ensuring they are kept informed of a child’s progress and attainment and promote a very much ‘open door’ approach to communication. Children achieve their best when parent/carer and teacher are fully engaged and involved. Teachers meet with parents/carers to discuss the needs of more able pupils and the Inclusion Managers are always available for discussion.

People supporting More Able

All teaching staff.

Mrs Jenny Metcalfe (Broadwood) and Mrs Jo Smalley (Pound Pill) – Assistant Deputy Headteachers and Inclusion Managers.

Useful websites