Physical Education
Being an Athlete
Our Physical Education programme includes involving all children in physical activities which challenge them at their own level. The aim is to allow children to develop individual physical skills to their full potential and to promote a healthy lifestyle within and outside of school.
Through all aspects of Physical Education the children are able to practise and develop physical skills, agility and co-ordination and improve their own performance, so gaining a sense of achievement and self-confidence. Co-operative qualities and the care of and respect for equipment are also encouraged during PE activities, many of which involve working with a partner or in a group.
Swimming is timetabled for Years 3 and 4 on a half-termly basis. A voluntary contribution is made each year to cover extraneous costs such as the swimming teacher and certificates (check with school office for current prices).
The school runs a wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs aimed at different year groups and key stages. Many of the clubs are changed on a termly basis to ensure variety. The timetable for after school clubs is available on the school website.
PE and Sports Premium Information
What is Primary Physical Education and Sports Premium Funding?
In March 2013, the government announced that it was to provide funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2014 to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools in England – The Primary PE and Sport Premium. This funding has continued to be provided for the past ten academic years. In 2019 the Government were providing £300 million per annum. The money goes directly to Primary Headteachers, with each school receiving £16,000 plus an extra £10 per child from Year 1-6.
How much funding is available?
During the 2023 to 2024 academic year, Corsham Primary will receive £21,790. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.
At Corsham Primary School, our aim is to use the Sports Premium Funding to improve the teaching of physical education and to provide a wide range of opportunities for children to be active and develop a lifelong love of physical activity. Nurture through sport is also on our agenda – supporting children who are less likely to have the same opportunities outside of school and helping children connect through sports-based activities. We also aim to use the funding sustainably so that it continues to benefit children at Corsham Primary in years to come and has a lasting legacy.
How will the Sports Premium Funding be used?
Corsham Primary’s objectives are to:
- support teachers with the schemes of works that we follow within Corsham Primary School
- continue to improve and develop staff expertise, confidence and skills
- promote the use of the resources to aid planning
- promote and encourage children to participate in health, exercise and PE within class and outside the classroom
- raise the level of swimming by Year 6, so pupils can swim 25 metres
- improve the equipment and resources at both sites
- work alongside the School Sports Coordinator in collaboration with The Corsham School
- provide opportunities for children to attend and participate in sporting festivals, tournaments beyond the classroom
- provide the Key Stage two children with the opportunity to participate in Intra-Sport competitions throughout the year
- promote and instil a lifelong love of physical activity
- provide more able and high-achieving sessions termly for years 4-6
- provide opportunities for disadvantaged children through non-competitive events at sporting festivals and the wider community
- build a relationship with sports in the wider community
- provide a nurturing mentoring programme to support children to develop social skills and self-esteem through sport-based activities
How will we measure the impact?
During the academic year we will continue to monitor the progress of all pupils through teacher assessments each term, pupil and staff questionnaires and lesson observations. This will inform future decisions about PE and sport provision at Corsham Primary.
For further information on how the funding is being spent and the impact that it is having, please see the schools PE action plan and impact report.
Evaluated Sports Action Plan 2023 - 2024
PE Sports Premium Funding Expenditure Percentage Breakdown 2023 - 2024
PE and Sports Funding Impact 2022-2023
Evaluated Sports Action Plan 2021-2022
Evaluated Sports Action Plan 2020-2021
Evaluated Sports Action Plan 2019-2020
Evaluated Sports Action Plan 2018-2019
Evaluated Sports Action Plan 2017-2018
Evaluated Sports Action Plan 2016-2017