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About Us

Policies and Procedures

At Corsham Primary School we pride ourselves that our policies and procedures are always up to date and followed rigorously. When producing a policy we research, consult where appropriate and write, considering exemplar examples and the needs of Corsham Primary School.  Draft policies are reviewed and ratified by the Governing Body.  All policies are then reviewed within specified time scales.

Here is a list of some of our most requested policies and procedures. Some are available to download using the links below. If you would like to view any others please feel free to pop into the school office and ask.

If you would like any of these policies translated into your preferred language, please let us know and the necessary arrangements will be made.  If you have difficulty accessing these documents and would like them in any other format, e.g. larger print, please contact the School Office.

Copyright © This website and all the content herein are the intellectual property of Corsham Primary School

  1. Accessibility Plan
    PDF File
  2. Admissions-Policy-Pound-Pill-2025-26
    PDF File
  3. Admissions Policy-Broadwood-2025-26
    PDF File
  4. Admissions Policy Pound Pill-2024-25
    PDF File
  5. Admissions Policy Broadwood 2024-25
    PDF File
  6. Admissions Policy Pound Pill 2023-2024
    PDF File
  7. Admissions Policy Broadwood 2023-2024
    PDF File
  8. Anti-Bullying Policy
    PDF File
  9. Attendance Policy
    PDF File
  10. Behaviour Policy
    PDF File
  11. Behaviour Principles
    PDF File
  12. Behaviour (supporting Trust overarching statement)
    PDF File
  13. CCTV Policy
    PDF File
  14. Charging and Remission Policy
    PDF File
  15. Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Poster
    PDF File
  16. Children walking home from school alone
    PDF File
  17. Collective Worship Policy
    PDF File
  18. Communication at CPS
    PDF File
  19. Complaints Policy
    PDF File
  20. Conflict of Interest Policy
    PDF File
  21. Cookie Notice - MAT Compliant
    PDF File
  22. Customer Service Standards Policy
    PDF File
  23. Data Protection Policy
    PDF File
  24. Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour on School Premises
    PDF File
  25. Dinner Money Policy
    PDF File
  26. English as an Additional Language
    PDF File
  27. Freedom of Information Policy
    PDF File
  28. First Aid and Accident Reporting Policy
    PDF File
  29. Health and Safety Policy
    PDF File
  30. Hot Weather Policy
    PDF File
  31. Intimate Care Policy
    PDF File
  32. Inclusion Policy
    PDF File
  33. Lettings Policy
    PDF File
  34. Medicine and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
    PDF File
  35. More Able Policy
    PDF File
  36. Online Safety Policy
    PDF File
  37. Parent Carer Communications Policy
    PDF File
  38. Parental Carer Involvement Policy
    PDF File
  39. Preventing Radicalisation Policy
    PDF File
  40. Privacy Notice Parents
    PDF File
  41. Privacy Notice Primary School Pupils and their Families
    PDF File
  42. Professional Expectations and Standards
    PDF File
  43. Protected Characteristics and British Values
    PDF File
  44. Published Equalities Information
    PDF File
  45. Pupil-Confidentiality-Policy
    PDF File
  46. Pupil Premium Policy
    PDF File
  47. Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy
    PDF File
  48. Recycling Policy
    PDF File
  49. Relationships and Sex Education Policy
    PDF File
  50. Road Safety Policy
    PDF File
  51. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
    PDF File
  52. School Structure and Class Allocation Policy
    PDF File
  53. SEN Policy
    PDF File
  54. Single Equality Scheme
    PDF File
  55. Staff Behaviour Policy
    PDF File
  56. Teaching and Learning Policy
    PDF File
  57. Transition & Transfer Policy
    PDF File
  58. Whistleblowing Policy
    PDF File