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Our Learning

Years 1 and 2

Years 1 & 2 - W/E 14/02/25 

During the last week of term, as mathematicians, we have been busy measuring length and height. We used the vocabulary greater than and less than, longer then and shorter than and taller than and shorter than. We used symbols to compare measurements. As the Year 2's became more confident, we began to measure in meters and centimetres. During safer internet day, we discussed protecting ourselves and others from scams online. We discovered that a scam is where somebody tries to trick somebody else to get something from them. 

Next term we will be thinking about what techniques we can use to show our senses through sculpture. We will be sorting animals into herbivores, omnivors and carnivores, and we already can't wait for our class assembly which will be based on our enquiry, 'What Am I?'.